Vasthu Vision

by Prijeesh.S



There are mainly four Vedas. Rig -Veda, Sama- Veda,Yajur- Veda, and Atharva- Veda. Atharva -Veda is again classified into four in which Vastu- Shastra is explained in sthapathaya Veda.An ordinary person can not understand Vedas since it is written in Sanskrit. This app is built based on the book "Manushyalaya Chandrika" Which is a collective of famous Vastu-Shastra books. The app access Vastu-Shastra easily.FEATURES* Anyone can check the Vastu calculation of their building.*Positions of rooms, well, septic tank, etc can be found out.*Vastu- shastra classes, books and slokas are available.*The app is available in Malayalam and English.